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Why was it wrong?




Adolf Hitler was a very important and influential person in all history of human kind. His name hasn’t been forgotten and his impact in society remains until now.


What Hitler did should be remembered to learn from his mistakes and avoid making similar ones.  The Nazi party reminded the world that human life is precious. During Hitler’s government eleven million people were killed, and six million of these were Jews. From this we should reflect that life is the greatest gift given to us, and that we need to appreciate it. From Hitler we should learn, that every single person has dreams and that they should be taken into account, because Hitler had dreams and he couldn’t accomplish them, which made him to be frustrated.


Hitler made people to be frustrated, depressed and devastated. He killed innocent people just because he wanted to make Germans to be the same, he didn’t liked Jews people and he blamed them for all the bad things that happened. Just because we don’t like someone, we shouldn’t discriminate him or her, we should learn to tolerate them.


Definitely, Hitler changed the world but he didn’t change it to be a better place. He encouraged soldiers to kill and he made victims to be devastated. We can change the world to be a better place; we can encourage people to be better citizens in order to avoid things like this to happen. Hitler was responsible for all the murders committed, but no one stopped him. In this kind of scenarios, is were every one of us can change the world to be a better place.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

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